
Showing posts from 2019

Proposed Redevelopment of Norwood Mall will Preserve the Cork Tree

The proposed development of Norwood Mall by local property developer Australasian Property Develpoments (APD) will preserve the Norwood Cork Tree, according to a report in The Advertiser of 19 January 2019. The site has been purchased by APD, which plans to build two levels of offices and car parking above a retail space that will incorporate new retail stores, as well as an expanded Coles supermarket. Close to 50 two storey townhouses will be constructed on the upper levels as a 'floating village'. In addition it is planned to build seven three-storey residences on George St and two homes on Edward St. A total of 150 additional car parks will be provided as part of the project. The Advertiser article states that APD will lodge its plans for development approval and release detailed artist's impressions in the second quarter of 2019. Construction is expected to start in 12 to 18 months and take approximately two years to complete. We will be interested to see how...