
Showing posts from April, 2014

Norwood Payneham & St Peters Council votes against making any payment to assist in moving Norwood Cork Tree

At a special meeting of Norwood Payneham & St Peters Council at 7.30 pm on 16th April 2014 Councillors voted to approve a motion that puts the onus back on Coles to fund any removal of the Norwood Cork Tree from its present location in the Coles car park. The approved motion says (paraphrased in the absence of the exact text at this stage) that the Council supports that the Norwood Cork Tree should remain in situ, but in case any application to redevelop the car park and shops is approved, the Council will not provide any funds to move the tree. A report commissioned from ENSPEC on the feasibility of moving the cork tree was considered. The report is available on the NPSP Council website The report advises that the Norwood Cork Tree can be removed successfully to nearby Council owned Coke Park. The heritage value of the tree was vigorously debated by several councillors. The Mayor, Ro...

The Norwood Cork Tree

The Norwood Cork Tree is a very precious tree. Planted in his garden by pioneer industrialist Henry Buttery in 1892, the tree still grows in splendour, although its surroundings have transformed from a beautiful garden to a car park. With no sign denoting its heritage value, most car park visitors are unaware of the significance of the tree. The Norwood Cork Tree has been described as the most significant European planted tree in South Australia.  The aim of this blog is to raise awareness of the Norwood Cork Tree and its heritage value for Norwood residents and visitors and for the wider South Australian community.